For better understanding it is suggested that you start watching from the first video in the playlist and move forward sequentially.
SPSS (1): The Data Analysis in SPSS
SPSS (2): Introduction To The Data View And Inputting Data Manually
SPSS (3): Introduction To The Variable View and Defining Measurement Scales
SPSS (4): Introduction To All The Functions In SPSS
Measurement Scales | Choice of Appropriate Graphs and Statistics
SPSS (5): Graphs | Bar, Pie, Line, Scatter, Histogram & Box-plot
SPSS (6): Frequency Distribution of Nominal, Ordinal and Scale Data
SPSS (7): Descriptive Statistics | Mean, Range, Standard Deviation, Skewness, Kurtosis
What Is Normal Distribution?
SPSS (8): Normal Distribution Test in 3 Approaches
Choosing A Statistical Test Based On Your Data And Research Question
SPSS (9): Mean Comparison Tests | T-tests, ANOVA & Post-Hoc tests
SPSS (10): Chi-Square Test
SPSS (11): Two-Way ANOVA (Interaction Effect of Two Categorical Variables)
SPSS (12): Nonparametric Tests | Mann-Whitney, Kruskal Wallis, Wilcoxon, Friedman
SPSS (13): Correlation Estimation I (Bivariate Correlation)
SPSS (14): Correlation Estimation II (Partial Correlation)
How To Choose The Best Regression Model? (Linear, logistic, multinomial, ordinal or probit)
SPSS (15): Multiple Linear Regression (OLS) Estimation
Five assumptions of linear regression
What is Linearity?
What is Homoskadesticity? (& heteroskedasticity)
What is Autocorrelation?
SPSS (16): Testing the five assumptions of linear regression in SPSS
SPSS (17): Testing Heteroscedasticity in SPSS | Breusch-Pagan test
SPSS (18): How to pick a random sample
Linear regression concept | OLS (everything you need to know)
SPSS (19): Testing multicollinearity problem in regression analysis