Category: Reflection


Some reflection on academic publishing

Publishing a paper is easy nowadays; there are so many journals and publishers, and anyone can publish almost anything. The question is- do we want to publish just anything? Do we want to publish...


Ethical and legal behavior

Here are some examples for each quadrant in the “Legal-Ethical” matrix: 1. Legal and Ethical Actions that comply with the law and align with ethical standards: 2. Legal and Unethical Actions that comply with...


2023 Norwegian Scientists in the world’s 2% list

The updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators was published recently, which provides two rankings. One, ranking based on all publication years, and second, ranking based on a particular year, whcih is 2023...


In-text citation guidelines in academic writing

In all forms of academic writing such as essay writing, bachelor/master thesis, PhD dissertation, conference papers, journal articles etc., it is mandatory to follow proper referencing or citation principles. Negligence in appropriate citation can...


Tips on academic writing

Here are some tips that you find useful in writing your thesis and scientific articles. Each paragraph is about one idea only. We should not present information about multiple ideas in one paragraph. Before...