Checklist for working in collaborative research with me
I have encountered several challenges over the years when collaborating in research actuvutues with people around the world. The main conflict arises from the understanding of research ethics related issues. Therefore, I decided to have a short and simple checklist when enterting into new collaborations. The focus here is on the “process” not the “outcome”. My goal is not to publish as many papers as possible. I mainly work on topics I am passionate about that have implciations for industry and policy making. I want to engage in and publish good quality work that follow the highest standars of the research ethics practices.
If you are interested to work with me, first as yourself, if you agree with the following statements:
1. I have read at least 5 authentic journal articles related to the research question by each and every word.
2. I use a reference manager software, e.g. zotero or endnote.
3. I read relevant research and reports first, and then arrange thoughts in mind before writing.
4. I write and cite at the same time using a reference manager. (That is you do not write everything and then add all in-text citations later)
5. I am aware of errors typically made by chatgpt and generative AI in general.
6. I do not use chatgpt and generative AI for writing main text and data analysis.
7. If I use chatgpt and generative AI, I use only for exploration purposes. (note that using Chatgpt makes better sense when we know the topic, have read the papers, can easily finds errors made by Chatgpt because you already know which paper said what)
Only if you agree with all these statmenets and your research interests align with my research interests, we can consider collaborating in research activities.